Setting Goals…

Beginning of the New Year and many of us embark on New Year’s resolutions and set up new goals. We start reflecting on what went right and what did not in the previous year.

The pressure to start the new year with great positivity and setting high goals is tremendous. I have been there.

But, did you know that only 9.2% of us feel that they are successful in achieving the New Year’s resolution? And 42% give up on their goals only just the first month.

2020 has been a very challenging year for us and entering 2021 in one piece with some sanity is one big achievement. So well done to all of us for that 

So, if you are thinking of setting some goals for 2021, here are my simple tips to do that in a guilt-free and stressful freeway.

1: Set it small: Goals do not have to be big. Small changes in daily habits do add up making a big difference. Doing 2 min breathing exercise whilst the kettle boils or adding one extra veg a week to the meals, may seem too small a goal but remember making small goals are easy to sustain.

2: Think Self-Love: Set out goals with some self-compassion. Do not feel pressured to follow others in your goal setting. Set what you feel passionate about and believe in. Someone else’s goals on social media don’t need to be yours.

3: Be realistic: Don’t be too hard on yourself by setting goals that push you to the limits beyond your ability. If you are like me and suck at running, instead of aiming at 5k run each week, start with a couch to 5k once a week.

4: Keep it positive: Instead of ‘I will stop doing this’ or ‘I will not do this’.Think of it as ‘I will do this ‘or ‘I will do more of this’. A little bit of positivity goes a long way.

And no matter what goals you set, take it easy on yourself. No one is ever perfect at the first attempt. Slow and Steady Wins the Race…..

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